Well, I knew I couldn't stay away for too long. I've started reading the first booklet in Unit 5, "Photojournalism 1." I may never cut it as a full time, professional portrait or wedding photographer, but photojournalism is something that has always fascinated me, and it's a career path I've thought about pursuing, off and on, throughout my life; especially since I love to write in addition to taking pictures. There's just something about the spontaneity and "in the moment" nature of photojournalism that has always appealed to me. To be the first person on the scene, or the first to capture a critical or pivotal moment in time...THAT is something I've always dreamed about!
So I'm reading my way through the material, absorbing all the information and taking the suggestions they make into strong consideration. I'm going to compile a list of phone numbers and addresses for all the local newspapers and TV stations, and the local wire service if there is one, and I'm going to keep the information in my phone. That way, if I'm ever out and about with my camera, and I happen to come upon a scene that I think is news worthy, I'll be able to contact those organizations that might be able to use (and will probably pay for) my photos. Maybe one day, if I get enough of my material into some of the local publications, I can serve as a stringer for one or more of them, or maybe even get hired as a staff photographer. That would be pretty cool.
To that end, I need to get a small "ID picture" made for my NYIP PhotoWorld press pass, and I need to acquire another compact, high quality point-and-shoot camera, so I ALWAYS have a camera with me, no matter where I am. Because you never know when breaking news is going to happen. I'm also going to add the "Photographer's Rights Gray Card Set" to my gear, in the event that my presence at a scene is ever questioned, or my right to photograph something is ever denied.
So here's to the exciting world of photojournalism. If you see something important happening, photograph and/or video record it, so that others may know what's going on in the world around them. Who knows, maybe your photo or video will be tomorrow's headlines. You never know what's going to happen, so always be on the lookout for news worthy stories, and always make sure to have your camera nearby!
Until next time, thanks for stopping by.
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