Thursday, February 16, 2012

PPA Membership

My PPA (Professional Photographers of America) membership packet arrived in the mail today. I joined as an "Aspiring Photographer," which I can do for a maximum of 2 years, before I have to enroll as an "Active Professional," something which I hope I will be much closer to being after 2 years of experience. I think the PPA membership will compliment my NYIP training nicely, offering me access to additional training materials, industry incites, and professional certifications.

Much of this is still new to me, and I have a lot to explore and learn about; but I hope this additional level of involvement will help expand my skill base, and enhance my studies as I journey along the path to becoming a Professional Photographer.


  1. How is your NYIP training going?

  2. Slowly at the moment. I went all gung-ho for a few months, and then slacked off. I have all the materials, I just need to find the time to get back and finish the training and submit my photo projects.
