Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Unit 6 On The Way

I should be receiving Unit 6, the final unit in the program, within a week or so. Of course I'm currently stopped at Unit 5 because it contains subjects that I have a stronger interest in, and I didn't want to rush into them yet, as I still have to catch up with my photo projects. I'm rather behind in that area, since I've only submitted my pictures for Unit 1 so far.

I've been taking a fair amount of pictures lately, but most of them have been more of the snapshot variety, in my continuing 365 Day project (366 days with the leap year.) I've taken a few pictures that could probably be used for my Unit 2 submissions, but none that I'm really happy with. I need to go out one day with the focus of SPECIFICALLY shooting images for Unit 2. Then I have to work on the portrait/lighting projects for Units 3 and 4. That last two units will be more challenging, so I want to make sure I'm caught up with everything else before I start on them, and the photo projects for Units 2-4 will get me in "better shape," photography-wise, to embark on the last two Units of the program.

So now I just need to find my focus (no pun intended,) and get on the ball. I have a lot of pictures to take and have printed, and I want to concentrate I'm producing prints that I'm happy with, and that I will be proud to submit. As always, once I've submitted pictures for review, I will post some of them on here for additional critique.

That's about it for now. Good luck to all of you who are working your own way through any of the NYIP photography courses. Feel free to share any questions, comments or experiences that you have had on your own photographic journey!

1 comment:

  1. I've just started the course and am waiting for feedback from my first assignment. How long does it normally take to get your feedback? I've waited for about 4 weeks and have only heard that the instructor has it.

    You have a great write up and have got me thinking about my own journey.

